Gentlemen, how active are you during sex with escorts? I invite you to learn why lying there with the attitude that you pay women to work on you is a bad thing. And why some men wonder why escorts don’t give them sex of the quality which the men expect for their money.
Being active in sex with escorts breeds good results
Men always want to enjoy sex with escorts. Escorts are women whether one pays her for sex or not. Seeing a woman enjoy sex gives men satisfaction and a sense of achievement. Men like to be and feel useful to women. And especially so during sex! But there will always be men who prefer to lie there and take what their partners give. Men with this attitude pay escorts to entertain them. Or some men say “you’re a woman, seduce me”. But they shouldn’t expect to be given quality attitude if they’re not prepared to give the same.
We all respond to nonverbal communication = body language and energy. If you say good words but the body shows the opposite, another person will always take the message from the body. You would too if you got such conflicting response from someone. And the response might make you hesitate about how to respond to it!
So how does your communication contribute to the quality of your sex with escorts? Especially if you are not active in sex? Consider men who believe that their sexual partners should do the work because the men pay. What energy does that send? How does that affect the response that they get? How would you feel and respond if your sexual partner gave you that attitude? What would you do?
Your intuition would feel it.
If someone tells us nonsense, we know just like we know if someone tells us sense. Every time we communicate we release subtle energy. So gentlemen, be careful about what energy you send, because you’ll get it back. Energy goes around like a boomerang – or karma. Examples of this are: if you’re having a conversation with another person, you know if the conversation is landing well. And you also know when the person isn’t engaged! You know intuitively from the responses in your partner’s words and body. So if you are active in sex, this energy will hang in the air. Your partner will get the message and most likely be encouraged and act similarly.

Being active in sex therefore works both ways
The principle is simple, yet there’re many [generally unhappy] men who don’t grasp it. These men do not realize that they’re the source of their unhappy existence – until someone tells them! Taking is nice, giving is nicer. If we take all the time, we end up with heaps of stuff, but emptiness in the heart, because the stuff will lose value and we’ll start searching for the next taking… But we’ll never run away from the emptiness in the heart. The only way to break the circle and get fulfilled is by giving some of ourselves to others.
If you give, your partner will give too
If you do something nice, you’ll give off loving energy. A virtuous circle will begin – others will start accepting and loving you too. Verbal and nonverbal [even intimate] communication will start flowing. Happiness will start flooding your body and heart. And you’ll never have a dull encounter again! You’ll exude more attractive energy which will attract similar partners. So start giving – and you’ll start receiving! And if you’re feeling shaky, take my hand…
Written by Kay-Lauren of https://light-bringer-world.com/.
Holistic companion, massage, coaching, healer by intimacy for professional men over 35 London UK – Toronto – international