Better sex for older men is a never-ending dream and can be a never-ending problem. But if men want better sex, it indicates that they do not do something right. The quality of sex will be better only when they do things to make it better. Shifting the responsibility to sexual partners will not do the magic. So no excuse – one must work to reap rewards. Here’re ways to do so.
Table of Contents

1. Better sex for older men = eating healthily, properly, sufficiently
Āyurveda – the science of life – has taught civilisations for 5 and a half thousand years that all disease and by that token sexual problems stem from impaired digestive fire. If one eats healthy, minimally processed, correctly combined food appropriate for his dosha in appropriate quantities no more than 3 times a day, twice in old age, one enjoys long life of high quality. The way to the heart – and better sex for older men – is through the stomach. And quality food brings good thoughts and clear mind. But…
2. Clean your heart and soul
of grudges, lies, suppressed feelings. Say what you mean, mean what you say. Be honest. Speak what you feel even if it is ugly or politically incorrect. Don’t worry about offending. You won’t in most cases. Most people will appreciate, admire, trust, and respect you for the honesty. And when you offend, the fact that you offended will not be your problem. It will be the problem of the person who offended himself. He understood you differently and was afraid or reticent to clarify his understanding. He suppressed his feelings.
That’s his choice, you cannot and should not want to control it. Look after what you can control and control it to the benefit of your clean heart and soul. A clean spirit [=heart+soul] = a healthy you = a healthy libido which reflects itself in better sex for older men and men of any age who express their feelings.
3. Low libido, feeling terribly, being depressed?
See point 1. Then point 2. And then… where are you looking? If you’re looking down which is where your feelings are, look up. Things will look up, you will lose many bad feelings, and may even start to at least smile! It’s the cheapest and healthiest antidepressant without side effects. The long-term way not to get depressed is eating healthily, regularly exercising appropriately for your dosha, and sleeping enough at regular times correct for your dosha. And of course regularly having sex!
4. If a bad experience annoys you,
ask ‘what can I learn from it’? You will find something good. If you really learn it, you may not have to experience the same or similar bad event again. You will use what you learned instead.Better sex for older men and men of every age means knowing how to deal with the bad in life elegantly.
5. Grounding – another way to have better sex for older men
Better sex for older men consists in being grounded and content. The base of the spine and the buttocks are common to hurt when we are not grounded. You are also not grounded if you have a thousand things going through the head at once. Stand or sit straight. Send the pain or thoughts through (the chair and) your feet into the ground and earth. If you can let go of it like this, it isn’t serious. Deeply inhale, hold the breath for a second, exhale, hold the breath for a second. Your head will feel clear. Regular massage is also magical in the long term and definitely brings better sex for older men!
6. Better sex for older men means believing in better things
If you believe that you can or can’t do something, you will be right either way. What you believe you will achieve! So choose carefully. If you believe that you are a good lover, you will be. If you put yourself down, you will be down. If you are confident, you will do well. And if you are not confident in yourself, you will act without confidence. That is one cause of problems with erection.
7. Do you have a Iot of headaches?
See point 1. Headaches start there. Then ask the headache what it wants to tell you. The message is often very simple: hunger, water, fresh air, less panic, less focus, move around. Hence think how you can help yourself and notice what happens to the headache. Regular head massage is another way to prevent headaches. And sex too! Sex cures many things in the body. Headaches are one. So better sex for older men is healing for the body and of course mind.
8. Use your imagination
for all the great things you will do this week, month, season, year. Get clear pictures, sounds, and feelings together to really focus you on success. Men do this exceptionally well in the context of sex. Visual sexual fantasies – that’s what I’m talking about! So better sex for older men = using the imagination just as well in other aspects of life!
9. Surround yourself by people
who inspire you, whom you respect, trust, have fun with. End all toxic relationships as soon as you can, because ending them will be good for health. Free yourself from people who are artificially polite instead of honest. And also from all grudges – don’t bear them forward. Because grudges are toxic to the body and toxins create disease. And yes, I can help you do so if you don’t know how.
10. Men who open their minds have better sex
Minds are like parachutes – they function only when they are open. And the fear of something is far worse than the thing itself. But be clear about what the phrase open mind means. Many people claim that they have open minds, but when you suggest something very different from that which is in the spheres of their worlds, they will dismiss and even defend against it. Are such minds open?
11. How loud is your inner critic?
You can spend so long criticising yourself after making a mistake and feeling terribly about it that you won’t have the energy to step back, learn from it, move on. However bad the situation be, there is always learning good to take from it. Especially if you are a man of the pitta dosha, you know the inner critic very well… Turn the critic into a wise advisor. Some good coaching well show you how.
12. If an event makes you feel bad or gives you stress,
clear the energy from the memory. It really works. Regularly clearing your energy will change your life. You can clear your energy anywhere at any time. If you don’t know how to clear the energy, I’ll gladly show you.
13. Men who celebrate success have better sex
So notice successes instead of dismissing or playing them down. Notice what works, congratulate yourself, celebrate it, and see how you can do more. All that will attract more success. And better sex for older men as well as men of any age.
14. Successful Olympians
don’t think about the goals, but about the process they need to follow to achieve the goals. For some of the most successful ones the medal comes as almost a surprise. This may also have an impact on traditional goal setting! Even for men who don’t like setting goals. Those men will definitely be interested only in the process of getting to success.
15. Sun, sea… better sex for older men
If especially older men don’t get the sun into the bones for long, they can feel depleted of energy. On the other hand everyone can make the most of whatever sunshine there is. Don’t damage your skin. A solar panel keeps going all year. You can think of yourself as a mobile solar panel. You can imagine a golden ball of energy on your head filling you with pleasant warmth.
16. Men who smile have better sex
A smile is irresistible! The natural reaction to a smile moves positive energy that replaces the negative pockets holding souls captive. Women in the western culture smile more than men. Women like men who smile. Smiling people are a delight to be around. So a simple smile on the face and in the heart results in better sex for older men.
17. When you are ill,
notice what you tell yourself. If you tell yourself how bad it is, it will stay bad. Or if you imagine what it will be like when you are healthy and grateful for the small improvements you notice, you will get what you imagine.
18. If you can’t sleep,
get up, put the feet firmly on the ground, ground yourself, drink a glass of warm water, return to bed, and RELAX. Focus on relaxing every part of the body and mind. Just let it sink into the bed… Sleep is important for health and therefore better sex for older men.
19. See what happens
if you stop negatively judging people and things for a while. They are just events or people, therefore you don’t have to judge whether they are good or bad. They simply figure in your life.
20. Where do you draw energy from?
Here are 4 environments for different energies: forest, sea, mountain, and desert. Which one energizes you? Is there also one that drains your energy? Which ones resonate with you? There are also subenergies, e.g. the river, the lake, the waterfall to the sea.
The forest is full of life. Trees are some of the greatest spiritual living energies on the planet. The forest is safe and encompassing. It is a shelter, food, and nutrition. The forest breathes as we breathe. It is a connected and also fragile place. Trees are very grounded deeply into the soil to offer great stability.
The sea is constant flow. Movement and stillness, yin and yang, turmoil and peace. The sea has an ambience. On the surface it looks like nothing is happening. Beneath the surface there is teeming life.
The mountains represent strength. They are very old. They have endured much of what has happened on this planet. The tops of mountains are places of great wind, vision, and inspiration. You can see from them for miles and people meditate on tops of mountains for long periods of time.
The desert is empty, yet full of life. The desert is space, it is clear. It certainly has life, but you have to search for it. You can survive because the resources are everywhere. The desert is clear air.
Put yourself in your favourite energy and give yourself time to absorb everything that the energy gives you. Climb a mountain, walk in a forest, swim in a sea, or walk in a desert (at least in the imagination). You will receive the advice or resources you need. They might even lead you to me!
Better sex for older men is easy with a little discipline
Some men can do it alone, others with a little help of someone with more different perspectives. That’s how I add value to men’s lives. And that’s how I can add value to yours. And that’s how you will consequently add value to people in your life. So would you like me to help you?
ritten by Kay-Lauren of https://light-bringer-world.com/.
Holistic companion, massage, coaching, healer by intimacy for professional men over 35 London UK – Toronto – international