This simple massage of the neck and shoulders is excellent for all professional men who sit at desks or behind the wheels for long periods of time at work. Any man can do it anywhere when he feels that the neck and shoulders start being tense. The massage can be done through clothes and takes minutes. If you do it when you feel that tension begins to creep, the massage will prevent tight painful muscles. That will of course keep you fresh and productive for longer. So I invite you to learn it here!
Start the massage of the neck and shoulders like this
Tilt the head back. Squeeze the flesh at the base of the neck on either side of the spine with the palms and fingers of each hand. Hold the squeeze and slowly roll the head forward. Hold the stretch for ten seconds. Return the head to an upright position. The amount of flesh that you squeeze will depend on how tense or relaxed your muscles are. Make slow precise movements, Pay attention to them.
Stroke your hands up and down the back of the neck to warm the area up. Make deep circular pressures all around the neck with the fingers of both hands. Stay on either side of the spine. Make all movements slowly and pay attention to them. Don’t do it on autopilot even if there is always plenty to think about at work.
Place the left hand on the right shoulder and squeeze the muscle there. Hold the squeeze and slowly rotate the shoulder backwards. A grinding sound indicates that the muscles are tense. Repeat the massage with the right hand on the left shoulder. Listen to the grinding. The less it grinds, the better.
Step 4
Pummel the right shoulder with the left hand to bring fresh blood to the area. What is pummelling? Making a hand into a fist and striking with the bottom side of the fist. Support the left elbow with the right hand for comfort and keep the wrist loose and floppy as you swiftly strike the flesh. Repeat the pummelling on the left shoulder. This will probably be very pleasant. Pleasant is what it should be. It will bring new blood into the area and stimulate the circulation.
…and here is the last step of this wonderful massage of the neck and shoulders
Firmly stroke from the centre of the chest outwards with the fingers while applying deep pressure between the ribs. When you reach the edges of the ribcage, return to the centre and repeat the massage. Feel for and concentrate on tense spots as you work over the chest.
This wonderful short massage of the neck and shoulders

will certainly relieve tension and pain during a working day. You’ll be happier, because the pain of the creeping tension won’t occupy the mind. We can’t be productive when something hurts. You can do the massage through clothes and also absolutely anywhere.
Other advantages of this massage are that you don’t need oils as you can do it through clothes. Regular massage of the neck and shoulders also keeps the vision sharp and the posture good. And will definitely prevent headaches as most headaches begin due to tension in the occipital area – the area at the back of the head above the neck. The suppler the muscles, the better for the body. The benefits of regular massage in the long term are truly marvellous for you and all people around you. I’m qualified in 8 types of massage. Would you like to know more? Let me tell you.
ritten by Kay-Lauren of https://light-bringer-world.com/.
Holistic companion, massage, coaching, healer by intimacy for professional men over 35 London UK – Toronto – international